Etwinning project: English and Minority Languages

During the second and third term, most 3rd ESO students have been engaged in an European project called “English and Minority Languages”. The main objective of this project was to make students improve their writing skills in English because they had to write to other students from Italy, Turkey and Greece.

The main activities were: introducing themselves

to their partners and teaching some vocabulary and cultural aspects from their mother tongues. Thanks to this project, all students' languages are given importance and they even learned some words from Greek and Italian!

Finally, at the end of course, all the students who have participated in this Etwinning project were given a  participation certificate- proving that they have been involved in an European project.

We hope that this project will motivate them to learn more about other cultures and languages as we are part of a global community, because…

“The beauty of this world lies in the diversity of its people”.

Notícia enviada per: cgrasset